Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Phone Case Round-Up

Oh how I love to find a good phone case! I am ALWAYS searching for one that I 100% love — then of course once I finally find one, a new phone comes out and they discontinue making it.
Well here is my latest find and I am LOVING it!
is a GREAT brand that I found on Amazon.
This is the case I bought to try out and I honestly love it!

and they explain why perfectly:

Another case that I absolutely love that also CHARGES up to 125% of battery life is the Prolix Power iPhone Battery Case. I have it and it's so nice on the road and just in every day life. Jaycob and my dad also have it and love it.

Have any favorite cases? I would LOVE to hear about them!

A premium model of charger cases is

This is not a sponsored post — I just really love to share products I love.

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